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Wednesday 20 February 2019

dealing with shortness of breath (SOB)

Webinar 3: with Dr Noah Greenspan


Our cardio-pulmonary system/respiratory system works better with exercise: Heart, lung, muscles - all improve with exercise.

Pursed-lip breathing: In for 2, Out for 4.

Feeling shortness of breath?
1. Stop what you're doing, and say: I know what to do here: evaluate the situation.
2. Close the chain*
3. If the situation is bad: Do a Recovery from SOB technique.
    If the situation is not too bad: Do a controlled breathing technique.

The diaphragm is central to breathing. It contracts, creates negative pressure, and allows are to enter and inflate the lungs. So, diaphragmatic breathing is the way to go.

Diaphragmatic breathing:
Involves breathing in through the nose, while making sure that the abdomen rises (rather than the best).

Pursed-lip breathing:
Breathe in through the nose, and let air out via just a little slit of the mouth s-l-o-w-l-y.
Inhale for 2 counts; exhale for 4 counts
Inhale for 3 counts; exhale for 6 counts
Or inhale for a few counts; exhale till you feel all the air is expelled

Open chain activities - brushing hair, washing hair, hands over head - these tax our breath, because it is hard for the diaphragm to contract fully.

*Closed-chain activity - rest hands on table, or knees if sitting, lean on a wall - allows the diaphragm to contract and allows lungs to inflate well.