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Saturday 23 December 2017

Christmas is almost here, and there are lots and lots of lovely images like this one, online, and it really does put one in a nice christmassy mood. Next year, I've promised myself that I will actually do something like this with my calligraphy nibs and inks and paints. Next year. Now, they're all snugly wrapped up for the big move!

Note to self: Stuff I need to tell my doctor, when I see him:

First: Every day, around 12 to 2 pm, I feel my feet begin to feel tight with edema. My left foot more than my right. Before this, they'd feel kinda biggish in the evening, after dinner. Around 7.30/8-ish. Now, it's moved up. Since it's after lunch, all I need do is sit with my feet raised, and it sorta eases. But, when evening comes around, they're 'tight' again. That's the best word I can find to describe how they feel: Tight. Because they seem to be pumped up with water, and the skin feels tight. I imagine that my toes look like big, fat, cocktail sausages, but they don't, actually. It just feels that way. If I press a finger into the flesh of my foot, it leaves a depression that takes a bit to spring back. That's edema, I'm told. Nice.

I am already on a diuretic, and I worry that it's dosage will be increased, OR that I will be put on another one, as well. I was on spironolactone before, but my potassium levels rose, so I had to go off it.

Second: After every meal, I feel nauseous. Isn't that just wonderful?! Hahahah. At first, I felt I must be eating too much, so I eased back on the quantity of food at a meal. No change. Nausea. Today, after my coffee, I feel nauseous. Omg, seriously?! All I have for breakfast is a cup of coffee: Instant, some milk, and that's it. And I'm nauseous?!

Honestly, I sometimes feel that my stomach would be most pleased to be just left alone, with nothing in it. But, I do get hungry, and when water isn't enough to quell the growl, I have to look for food. A little slice of fruit doesn't seem to upset it, but not a full meal. Sigh.

Well, it is going down in a note-to-doctor, and I will try not to think about it until I see him.

It will be a quiet Christmas, this year. Just Chuan and me, here in PD. So, it will be just another day in the week!

And soon, we'll be outta here 😁 (that emoji is described as: Grinning face with smiling eyes. EXACTLY how I feel about moving back to KL)

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