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Sunday 10 September 2017

a visit to the doctor's

Tomorrow, too 😀

So, three months have passed, and it's time for another visit to IJN.

This time around, besides checking on my lungs and heart, he wants to see how my cholesterol levels are doing: He wants them to go down.

I've shied away from taking meds for it, and tried to adjust my diet to exclude extra fats/oils (I truly believe both oils and fats are necessary, though. Just not in excessive amounts.), and I've upped the amount of time I spend walking-in-circles.

I walk around the house, trying to hit at least 3,500 steps every day. Some days, I can barely hit 2,000. Other days, I hit more than 4,000. Doing anything more is too difficult, and I pay for it dearly, the next day. This is my walking-in-circles, and I try to do this about twice a day, for about ten to 20 minutes, each time.

They say that exercise uses up cholesterol, especially in the absence of sugar in the system. So, ideally, the time for me to walk is before lunch. Which is what I've tried to do, if my body says it's ok. Sometimes, I try to argue, but my body is pretty firm about what it will do, and what it won't!

Back to IJN: I have some questions for my doctor. And I've written them down, so that I don't forget!

  • do I need to take my blood pressure daily?
  • how do I monitor myself between visits to see you at IJN?
  • do I need to see a GP between visits - so that he can monitor how I'm doing?
  • when do I need to haul myself to Emergency? - What symptoms do I need to be wary about?
  • can I fly? I want to visit my daughter in London.
  • I walk, and that's all the exercise I do. How much exercise is 'enough'?

My visit is weighing on my brain, so I am not in the best of moods. Not really focused on anything. I am the queen of being anxious about things I have very little control over - so bite me! To help me cope with this, I am reading some fluffy rubbish - I can't concentrate on anything serious - and watching episode after episode of 'Taggart' on YouTube. I do have moments of sanity, though. It's not all spaced out and zombie apocalypse. 

We'll be leaving at the crack of dawn, tomorrow. Literally. It will be dark when we leave, and as we hit the open highway, we'll see a sliver of light on the horizon - the yawning sun! It's a long drive there of almost two hours. But, it's how it needs to be. I will be fasting, and will need to have my blood taken by about 7.30 am. Then, it will be breakfast, and then flirting with my Kindle until I'm called to see the doctor - by around about 11 am, fingers crossed. Oh, what a fun-filled day it's going to be!