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Thursday 19 October 2017

just chugging along

It's been a while since I've written - but really, nothing much has been happening, so what's there to write about? My big-big project for the last couple of weeks had been to learn those three French songs, and I did, and I recorded them on my phone, and now I can tick that box and move on.

What I have learnt is that although my voice is so rough, and gruff, and so hard to push through my voice-box, I have found that singing helps to ease that somewhat. If I have some time in the evenings, I'll sit in front of YouTube and find some karaoke tunes. When I start singing, it's usually a song that I know I can do - but most times, it will be a barely-there voice that croaks along. I have learnt to not get discouraged, and to bash on. I laugh as my voice breaks, as I fail to hit the right notes, when to my own ears I sound like an eighty-year-old granny! But eventually, my voice will return and I can sing the songs, hit the right notes, and be comfortable in the keys that I used to sing in.

For me, that's a big deal. Always, I have found comfort in song, and to be able to still do this brings me joy. I tell myself that this is good for my soul, and that I am nourishing myself on a spiritual level. It is true for me, so it is true! But, I also tell myself that I'm exercising my lungs, and making them stronger, and that my lungs are happy, too. I don't know if that's true or not, but does it really matter?

I've also been fiddling a bit with my paints, and did some squiggly bits on a bottle that made me feel good.

Chuan and I went out to the Seremban 2 mall and had a bit of a walkabout, on his birthday, and bought some cake which we enjoyed for tea when we got home. For some reason, that was a tad exhausting for me, even though we didn't spend long there, and my Fitbit said that I had a lot less steps than usual. How is that possible? I do not know, and I do not care. Hahahah. I know I was up and about, and walking here and there, and if Fitbit doesn't like it that I didn't do my usual walk-in-circles, then it's its problem, not mine.

Yes, I'm fighting with my Fitbit.

Medicine wise, I've upped by quarter-dose of Lipantyl (fenofibrate) to half, and so far no issues.

But the ache in my shoulder, hip and knee - on my right side - is there, and sometimes quite bad. Is it the Lipantyl? It was the Ezeterol (ezitibe) that caused that, I know. Then, I had a break and things eased. Now, on Lipantyl, they're back again.

If things get too bad, I'll stop the medication. If they don't, or if I can bear the pain, I'll carry on - and see what my blood work shows, in January, when my next doctor-visit is due.

Our house-renovation is coming along nicely, though a glance at the photos of the work-in-progress is enough to scare the bejesus outta me!

a view from the outside of my sad, sad house

But, it's actually in the final stages, and by early-early next month, it should be all done.

So, overall, this is a boring-dot-com post, but that means that all's well with me.