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Tuesday 8 August 2017

feeling a little off

For the past few days, my 'chest' - I don't know how else to describe this - has felt a bit scratchy. It's like there's a little sandpaper in there, and the air I breathe has a little job flowing over it, and getting into my lungs.

I have something to take for that: Spiriva: It is an inhaler that I take once daily, and it works by relaxing the airways and keeping them open. It works for 24 hours, and it eases breathing.

As always, there are side effects. And they are a bitch! Hahahaha. These are the most common:
  • sore throat
  • cough
  • dry mouth
  • sinus infection
I now have a nice sore throat going, and my already sad voice is a little hoarser, and it is a little harder to get the sound out.

And, I am tired. Even more tired than I usually feel. And when I sleep, I am out like a light, and don't wake till the next morning. And I could gladly sleep on!

I must be patient and let the new medicine work. It will take time, but this will pass. And in the meantime, let's get out that tablet, and watch another episode of Inspector Alleyn Mysteries on You Tube.