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Friday 11 August 2017

payback time

Yesterday, we went out for a little walkabout at a nearby mall. Not a whole-day thingy, but only for about four hours or so. There was some walking involved - but slow stuff. No rushing or anything.

I needed to buy some curtains for our living room, and some other stuff. Then, we had a bit of lunch, walked around the supermarket for a bit, and returned home by about 2.30 in the afternoon.

Very tame.

I felt a bit tired as we were walking back to the car, but that's about normal.

But, last night, it happened again:

My bones ached, and I felt like I was going to be ill. Maybe get a fever, or a cold. Or, both. I just felt awful!

But, I'm wiser now. Because this has happened before. When I've been out and about - I'll return home, feeling fine. But, by night, this feeling of being all wrong will set in.

So, when it happened again last night, I was prepared for it. I knew I would be fine in the morning, and I was. I feel just fine today! But, it was a totally different story yesterday.

And even though I was so tired, I couldn't fall asleep. I tried.

After a while, I gave up and watched a movie on You Tube until about 3.30 in the morning. I only stopped because my tablet ran out of juice!!

I guess I must've eventually dozed off, but despite this little-to-no-sleep, I woke up feeling fine.

So, this has happened a few times, and because it has, I no longer feel worried that I am going to fall ill. Falling ill with a cold, or the flu, is not good. Especially if it involves antibiotics - which can adversely affect me, because of the medications I am already on. I need to be mindful about what I'm prescribed, and don't take anything that doesn't jive with my need-to-take meds.

This post is to help me remember that this is what happens after I go out and enjoy myself. Payback time! Hahahah.